Orgelzaal Booy
Arjan Breukhoven speelt filmmuziek!
Ouverture - fanfare | Alfred Newman | 20th century fox movies
Arrival of the Queen of Scheba | G.F. Händel | 4 Weddings & a Funeral
Cavatina | J. Williams | The deer Hunter
Toccata en Fuga d-moll | J.S. Bach | Aviator & Dracula
Dance of the Sugar Flum Fairy | P. Tsjaikovsky | Fantasia Disney
Dance of the Reed-Flutes | P. Tsjaikovsky | Fantasia Disney
Dance of the Flowers | P. Tsjaikovsky | Fantasia Disney
Sabre Dance | A. Chatschaturjan | Ice Age & Madagascar
Morricone Medley | E. Morricone | Once upon & the Mission e.a.
Adagio for Strings | S. Barber | Platoon
Fantasia Mission Impossible | L. Schifrin | Mission Impossible
Clair de Lune | Cl. Debussy | Ocean’s Eleven
Lacrymosa | W.A. Mozart |Amadeus
Dies Irae | W.A. Mozart | Amadeus
The Ride of the Valkyries | R. Wagner | Apocalypse Now
Star Wars Medley | J. Williams | Star Wars